I have a PageBlockTable with inline editing. When I go to save the new values are not being passed to the controller.
Visualforce page with the command button :
<apex:commandButton value="save" action="{!saveRow}" rerender="Components">
<apex:param name="rowid" value="{!a.Id}" assignTo="{!SelectedRowId}"/>
<apex:param name="prod" value="{!a.product__c}" assignTo="{!product}"/>
<apex:param name="cat" value="{!a.component_category__c}" assignTo="{!category}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Component Category">
<apex:outputField value="{!a.Component_Category__c}"/>
Apex Controller:
public pageReference saveRow(){
app_components__c selectedComponent = getAppComponent();
if (selectedComponent == null){
return null;
update selectedComponent;
return null;
public app_components__c getAppComponent(){
list<App_Components__c> appComponents = getAppComponents();
if (appComponents.size() > 0){
for(app_components__c appComponent : appComponents ){
if (appComponent.id == SelectedRowId){
return appComponent;
return null;
Method 2 with Javascript from Visualforce: (from a stack post saying that inline may not work with picklists and checkboxes)
<apex:actionFunction action="{!saveRow}" name="saveFields" reRender="Components" >
<apex:param name="rowid" value="" assignTo="{!SelectedRowId}"/>
<apex:param name="prod" value="" assignTo="{!product}"/>
<apex:param name="cat" value="" assignTo="{!category}"/>
<input type="text" id="focusMe" style="display:none"/>
<apex:commandButton value="save2" onclick="focusAndSave('{!a.Id}', '{!a.product__c}', '{!a.component_category__c}'); return false;">
// workaround is necessary since inline editing of VF picklist
// and/or checkboxes won't commit changes before action if the user
// doesn't "click out" first.
function focusAndSave(id, product, cat) {
alert(id+ product+ cat); //NEW CHANGED VALUES ARE NOT PASSED