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Questions tagged [inline]

Inline is in reference to the ability to edit or upate the value of a field without having to enter a full editing mode for the record the field is on. It typically means replacing a data output field with it's corrosponding input widget to allow it to be set and saved without navigating away from the page.

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Refreshing LWC Datatable using notifyRecordUpdateAvailable

Looking for some help to see what I'm missing here. After inline editing the records in the datatable relating to this js file, the records update successfully but the datatable is not refreshing. ...
mcg123's user avatar
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2 answers

Inline AMPscript with personalisation string not working

I want to use inline AMPscript with a personalisation string that should now the content if the field is not empty otherwise the block should not be shown. This does not work (the content is still ...
Sandra's user avatar
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Inline mass edit aura component - Apex controller not being called

Newbie with both aura and Javascript; I have an aura component (not a datatable), and I trying to enable a mass inline edit - the user edits the fields they want, but nothing is saved to the database ...
ElTttt's user avatar
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lightning tree grid - Make one particular column editable on the child rows

I have an requirement where in I have to make a particular column editable on the child rows of the lightning tree grid. I came to later on(after the development) that inline edit is not possible on ...
Ashfaq Mohammed's user avatar
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Inline editing in datatable error on saving

I created a datatable with inline editing but there is an error popups if I try to save it after editing. I open the console and it says "Apex update result: false". Can anyone help me why ...
4th Game Account's user avatar
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Displaying errors on multiple cells LWC

As per the salesforce documentation we can display error for lightning datatable by setting the "error" attribute. I followed the same but it is not turning the cell border red and ...
Adarsh Srinivasan's user avatar
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Can I tap into the inline SOQL results with a string field value?

I am curious on how I would be able to pull out a dynamic field value from an in-line SOQL query. Is this possible? I have tried with no luck but wasn't sure if there was another way. Decimal ...
Olivia's user avatar
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Datatable suppress-bottom-bar attribute - what's the use?

In the <lightning-datatable> documentation, there's an attribute suppress-bottom-bar which "If present, the footer that displays the Save and Cancel buttons is hidden during inline editing.&...
jbyrd's user avatar
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1 answer

Look Up Field no Search Results when inline edit

in my sandbox i have a custom object(vessel__c) with custom fields (Project_codeword__c,vessel_name__c). case is using a lookup field on this object. When I create a new case and start typing, ...
q-jack's user avatar
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LWC Datatable - Turn Custom Lookup Field Value in Editable Datatable to Draft Value for Mass Update

As you know, datatables do not support lookup field. I've built a search lookup field that queries an object, and added that to the LWC datatable as a custom type. The id of the selected record (...
Fred's user avatar
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1 answer

Disable Inline Editing for fields in the list view in lightning

I am trying to figure out to disable the inline edit in the list view but not able to do so. There are already question related to this but that does not helped me. I have disabled these check boxes ...
sanket kumar's user avatar
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2 answers

Method overload runs with least specific type with inline if statement

I had the impression that when we overload, it will run with the most specific type(Date for example). In the following example, it always runs with least specific type (Object): String.valueOf((true)...
kvor's user avatar
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How can we catch save button action in lightning:listView?

I am working to create an aura:component that contains lightning:listView. I succeeded in creating a lightning:listView. But I don't know how to catch the save button action of inline edit like ...
S Kawasaki's user avatar
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inline edit for the relational record in the lightning datatable

How can we make inline edit form features for relational record in the lightning datatable? Below is the current code, and I would like to you to correct this code to achive inline edit for ...
Shin's user avatar
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'URL no longer Exist' issue when trying to open a link from inline visualforce page

I have an inline VF page like following in my application that have multiple links that is created using html anchor tags. <apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardController="acc__c" ...
Gaurav Singh's user avatar
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Datatable inline lookup editing

As showed here we can easily implement an inline editing of a data table. Now I will need to have this editable field to behave like a lookup field and not a normal text field. Is this possible? ...
Zeno Trevisan's user avatar
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Change Owner from List View for Work Orders

We are in the Winter 19, I want to be able to 'Change Owner' of Work Orders from a list view. Logged in User has all permissions. However, I am not able to add the Quick Action to this Search ...
Salesforce Tech Enthusiast's user avatar
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Inline Edit for Start and End DateTime for Event object?

How to update duration field when we update Start time and Time of event using inline edit? Note:- I am editing only Start date and End date using inline edit. my requirement is like I want the start ...
optimistic_cloud's user avatar
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How to disable inline edit in list view?

Please refer to the following screen capture: I would like to disable editing in list view for all users. However, I can't seem to find a resource for Salesforce Lightning. Can anyone instruct me on ...
ohseekay's user avatar
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Location not coming on Account if I am using inline attribute

I have overridden my Account standard page. Below is the code <apex:page id="overridepg" standardController="Account" extensions="ActivityOverride_ctlr" action="{!redirect}"> <apex:...
Anzar's user avatar
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How to save inline editing of PageBlockTable with dependent picklist

I have a PageBlockTable with inline editing. When I go to save the new values are not being passed to the controller. Visualforce page with the command button : <apex:commandButton value="save" ...
tjcinnamon's user avatar
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Tab not showing correct data

I have two tabs on an inline page. When the page is rendered the data is showing correctly for first tab. When I click on second tab the data doesn't show correctly. It looks like the page isn't ...
SFDC's user avatar
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inlineedit not working with sforce.console.openSubtab

I have included an inline page which has inline edits in a Visualforce page. The inline page uses sforce.console.openSubtab. When I comment this code inline edit on the page where it is included works ...
SFDC's user avatar
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How to edit inline page fields?

I have a page where I have included an inline page. This inline page has fields which are editable. If I test this page alone fields are editable. But when I test the main page which has inline page, ...
Uma N's user avatar
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InLine Editing Lightning Styling

I'm currently working on a Lightning component that I can include in my object. The main goal is to divide the fields I have created for that object in various tabs. There are too many fields to have ...
jP_'s user avatar
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Salesforce Inline editing [closed]

Is it possible to implement Inline editing in salesforce lightning experience for custom objects? If so, how?
Sivananda 2320's user avatar
-1 votes
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i want to edit the empty field on the vf page named as notes

I have created the vf page on account in which account name and account number are read only and there is child object of account named as notes in which there is field notes which is editable on Vf ...
anurag's user avatar
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How to set certain Opportunity fileds to NOT be editable during the approval process including inline editing [closed]

In my Salesforce there is a Submit for approval process for the Opportunity object. I want certain fields in the Opportunity record to NOT be editable during the approval process. In order to achieve ...
digital mindfield's user avatar
2 votes
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Inline If statement not working

Inline if not working with inputfield...using two properties from the controller...compiler error: Syntax error. Missing ')' <apex:inputField id="inpModelValue" value=" {!IF(wrap....
piyush27's user avatar
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Return page from inline edit on standard page when View action is overridden

We have a custom object which has the View action overridden with a custom VF page. This override lets us go directly to the custom VF page from lists and other links within the CRM. Some users ...
MatthewGTS's user avatar
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salesforce render inline if tag solution needed

salesforce render inline if tag solution needed. rerender="{!IF(!AND({!isFilterBySelected},!NOT({!isSelectedAll})),'pageBlockID','testCompID')}" getting syntax error...please help
bharath's user avatar
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Limits for inline Query

I have an account record having name 'POC', This account has 5000 contacts. Now I am querying in Execute anonymous 1. List<Account> accounts = [Select Id, Name, (Select Id, Name From ...
Yogesh Gupta's user avatar
1 vote
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Can we inject javaScript on standard edit page of contact object?

I have a requirement to make callout from standard edit page of the contact object. Is it possible to inject javascript on standard inline edit page or standard edit view page.
Piyush Kumar's user avatar
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Resize Inline VF page based on content is really delivered?

I was surprised to find Resizing Inline VF page based on content idea has been delivered in Summer'16 release.But I couldn't find information how about it, anywhere in the Summer'16 release notes ...
Praveen's user avatar
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5 answers

Override Standard View Button and Inline Editing Disabled

I am having an issue where I need to override the standard New/Edit/View buttons on Cases with Visualforce pages.  These pages are just re-directs as I need to have 1 Case record type that is replaced ...
J. Neilan's user avatar
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Inline Editing works, but only for some fields? Can't inline edit the Stage field.

My users can inline edit most fields in an Opportunities view. However they cannot edit the standard Stage field. This SF help doc covers reasons why you can't inline edit, but the problem is, I CAN ...
Joshua Dance's user avatar
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Inline Visualforce Page Dynamic Height

I am iterating wrapper list on Visualforce page, I am not sure how many records will be iterate, So is there any way to make inline page height dynamic
Yogesh Gupta's user avatar
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Id value 015d0000009LcU3 is not valid for the Folder_Items__c standard controller

this is class global with sharing class treeInlineController { public String actId{get;set;} public treeInlineController(ApexPages.StandardController sc){ List<Attachment> ...
Vipin Indora's user avatar
1 vote
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reload parent VF page when button on inline VF page is clicked

We have a running functionality like there is a VF detail page and then there is an inline vf page which just contains couple of buttons. When we click on any button , new vf page opens in a new ...
Samir's user avatar
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Help with OpportunityLineItems VF page

I am trying to do inline editing on a vf page with a customController but I can't seem to get any data to pass to the controller on clicking on the save button. VF Page: <apex:form id="makeEdit"&...
Tim's user avatar
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Inline edit query result from costume object visualforce

the Inline Editing doesn't work in the pageBlockTable (editable but doesn't update changes). my suspicions its related to the need to update controller object from sql query running on costume ...
Oron M's user avatar
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Rerender after apex:detail with inlineEdit is saved

The problem I would like to give the user access to an <apex:detail> with inline editing enabled and let them modify the record. I also want to show a few fields from that record nearby. When ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
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Adding months inline in visualforce

Is there a way to add months to a date inline on a visualforce page? Something along {!quote.ExpirationDate.addMonths(3)} is what I was thinking about but I guess the syntax isn't accepted.
dotmiko's user avatar
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Enable Inline edit for non editable cells display a lock icon

I have created a formula field. After saving the record I am able to see the formula field with data and I am unable to in line edit from there. I would like to enable inline edit for the fields which ...
SFDC_BigDog's user avatar
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Error message: Only user and group IDs may be used in inline mentions

I've written a program where I used the ConnectApi class and especially the postFeedElement function. First I've implemented all in a Dev. Org (Spring '15) where I tested it, the tests ran all well. ...
Franziska Lohmann's user avatar
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How can I get the inline edit dialog to be generated programmatically?

I have a VF page that uses with inline editing enabled. I am using jQuery to hide the row containing the Billing Address and Shipping Address fields, and am adding my own address fields after it. I ...
Neo's user avatar
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How do I access fields in an inline edit dialog using javascript?

I am overriding the Edit button to take the user to a VisualForce page that renders the record details via with inline editing enabled. I'm trying to write some Javascript (or jQuery) that selects ...
Neo's user avatar
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Inline Visualforce page on master object page layout with detail object fields

I was wondering if there is a way to create a Visualforce page to be used inline on a master object's page layout that has fields from a detail object. For example, Object_A will be the master object ...
Matt's user avatar
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commandbutton changes its postion when shown using inline-edit shownonedit from when shown using javascript function

I have 2 commondbutons inside a div, initially display hidden . <div style="width:1000px;height:50px;text-align:left;"> <apex:commandButton value="Save" oncomplete="triggerBlurEvents();"...
user59759's user avatar
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Is it possible edit Geolocation custom field in Inline mode?

I have custom field Location of Geolocation type for standard objects (Account, Contract, Lead etc). For example, I want this field to be editable. On Edit Layout it is editable by default. But ...
Adalyat Nazirov's user avatar