My Object
has two lookup
- 1st lookup
-2nd lookup
I have populated all the value.
upsert (new Test__c(emp__c = 'XXXX',score__c = '123'));
upsert (new Test__c(emp__c = 'XXXX',score__c = '123'));
It create two record ? i guess its sound silly ? But wanna check the clear idea behind the upsert ?
Thanks All....! I just completely understand that it is only based on the ID or External Id. I did an example with my test object. Working awesome...
External_Id__c - Is a text field with the external ID is checked while creating field.
I have a record with the same external id ie. Name = Test1, Exception = Ex1
PAK09_Test1__c ct2 = new PAK09_Test1__c(Name ='Test3',
database.upsert(ct2, PAK09_Test1__c.Fields.External_Id__c);
Existing record is updated with Name = Test3,Exception = Ex3.