How can I check the size of the Chatter image uploaded for a User with a Custom Profile?

I'm unable to even find these Users in Chatter tab.

I've already run a query on User object with SmallPhotoUrl and FullPhotoUrl but that only gives the link. I need to check the image and its size on Salesforce environment.

1 Answer 1


There is a way to see all Files and Data related to a User. If you know the name of the user you can just go to:

  1. Setup (right top corner)
  2. Manage Users under Administer
  3. Users
  4. Select the user by clicking on his/her name
  5. On the column from the right scroll until you find Used Data Space
  6. Click on "View"
  7. You can do the same for Used File Space

In both cases, you should be able to see files, photos, documents, and the rest of files this user has under his name.

Any Chatter fields should be there as well.

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