I'm trying to find a way to let Customer Community Plus users access the Files attached to an Account.
We are sharing Accounts using manual sharing rules created by Apex (yeah, Apex managed sharing for standard objects please, SF!).
I've created a Lightning Component so that the community users can upload Files to an Account that they have access to. And then they can see their uploads via the same component. But, community users can't see any Files on the Account which were created by internal users. I just cannot find how to enable that sharing. It does work fine for internal users, when they are logged in to the community.
And community users have access to other files: we have some downloads set up for them in Content Libraries which are explicitly shared to them on other pages.
Here's the apex controller of my component which does the file listing:
public static List<ContentVersion> getContentList(String restaurantId) {
restaurantId = getRestaurant(restaurantId).Id;
List<ContentDocumentLink> documentLinks = [SELECT ContentDocumentId
FROM ContentDocumentLink
WHERE LinkedEntityId = :restaurantId];
System.debug('documentLinks: ' + documentLinks);
Set<Id> documentIds = new Set<Id>();
for(ContentDocumentLink dl : documentLinks) {
return [SELECT Id, Title, ContentUrl, Description, FileType, ContentDocumentId, ContentModifiedDate
FROM ContentVersion
WHERE ContentDocumentId IN :documentIds
AND IsLatest = true
AND PublishStatus = 'P'
The debug there produces this for an internal user, using the community:
documentLinks: (ContentDocumentLink:{ContentDocumentId=0699E0000004fFaQAI, Id=06A9E0000004jAmUAI}, ContentDocumentLink:{ContentDocumentId=0699E0000004fFfQAI, Id=06A9E0000004jArUAI})
And this for a community plus user:
documentLinks: ()
I've checked the profile permissions, and it does have "View Content in Portals". I've read the docs where it says about DocumentLink:
For organizations with Communities enabled, a document can only be shared with users and groups that are a part of the community the file was created in.
But, my community still can't see files that were uploaded by another user in the community to that Account.
Any ideas?
Answers to crmprogdev's questions:
What is the sharing on the Account object? Org-wide default is Public Read/Write for internal users, Private for external users. The other sharing is via AccountShare rules (see later question, below)
Are the community users attempting to share the content with users who are associated with a different Account or the same Account? To just focus on a single point, lets say that internal users are creating Files associated with an Account that the community user has access to.
IOW, are you certain you want to create the content as a child of Account? The files contents are specific to the Account, so it seems like the logical place. For global files, we're using Content Libraries, and that part works fine.
When you say "created by Apex" are you using Apex Managed Sharing or are you using Manual Sharing where the RowCause is Manual? Unless I'm mistaken, you cannot do Apex Managed sharing on standard objects (https://success.salesforce.com/ideaview?id=08730000000BqpyAAC) so it's manual shares created by Apex. We have to do this because each user is related to more than one Account, and the Accounts that they are related to don't fit into hierarchies.
What are your OWD on Content for Internal Users and for External Users? Again, I could be wrong, but I didn't think that Content has Org-Wide Defaults for sharing.