In my Salesforce they are multiple accounts which currently have null value in their Email field. I am trying to figure out a way so that duplicate Email-ids are not entered. My current code is including the current row as well as I guess. So when I press save to update email of an account(which I am sure is distinct), I get email already exist message.
integer count= [SELECT COUNT() FROM Account WHERE Email__c =:a.Email__c AND Id !=:a.Id];
if (count > 0)
How to find the count of email-id
except the current row?
My Code
trigger AccountCallout on Account (before update) {
// make the asynchronous web service callout
for (Account a : {
integer count=[select count() from Account where Email__c=:a.Email__c];
if (count > 0)
a.Email__c.adderror('This email already exists');
Thanks for the Answers, I am unable to achieve the same
trigger AccountCallout on Account (before update) {
// make the asynchronous web service callout
set<String> emailIds = new set<String>();
set<Id> idSet = new set<Id>();
for (Account a : {
// Comment by tushar on 15 sept 2016
// to check email and name are not null
if(a.Name == null || a.Email__c ==null || a.NumberOfEmployees > 32766){
if(a.Name == null || a.Email__c ==null)
a.Email__c.adderror('There was a problem updating the accounts. Email and Account name cannot be blank');
if(a.NumberOfEmployees > 32767)
a.NumberOfEmployees.adderror('Number is too large');
Account OldAccount = Trigger.oldMap.get(a.Id);
// to make sure email can be changed only when its old value was null
if((OldAccount.Email__c == null && a.Email__c != null) || OldAccount.Email__c == a.Email__c)
// **This is where I am trytinh to avoid duplicacy**
if(a.Email__c != Trigger.oldMap(
// To make sure webservice is called only when there is a change in data
if(OldAccount.Name != a.Name || OldAccount.BillingStreet != a.BillingStreet)
WebServiceCallout.sendNotification(a.Name,a.Email__c, a.BillingStreet);
a.Email__c.adderror('There was a problem updating the accounts. Email cannot be changed');
List<AggregateResult> lst =
[SELECT Email__c, COUNT(Id)
FROM Account
WHERE Email__c IN : emailIds
AND Email__c !=null
GROUP By Email__c
List<String> lstStr = new List<String>();
for (AggregateResult ar : lst)
lstStr.add((String) ar.get('Email__c'));
}[0].addError(String.join(lstStr,',') + ' already exist');