I've been trying to leverage custom roll up functionality and found that Database methods is perfoming dml twice. First time it's inserting/updating all records and second time only ones that can be processed. Is it correct? I'm afraid that I'm missing important part in documentation
The optional allOrNone parameter specifies whether the operation allows partial success. If you specify false for this parameter and a record fails, the remainder of the DML operation can still succeed. This method returns a result object that can be used to verify which records succeeded, which failed, and why.
Since I've placed static boolean to check if trigger has been run, I'm loosing data.
If we create test based on the following example
public class Test_accountTrigger {
static void Test_saveResult() {
Account[] accts = new List<Account>{
new Account(Name='Account1'),
new Account()};
Database.SaveResult[] srList = Database.insert(accts, false);
Given trigger will be executed twice
trigger accountTrigger on Account (before insert) {
system.debug('accountTrigger.sise: ' + trigger.new.size());
22:25:31.1 (362723328)|USER_DEBUG|[2]|DEBUG|accountTrigger.sise: 2
22:25:31.1 (498071498)|USER_DEBUG|[2]|DEBUG|accountTrigger.sise: 1
I'm trying to update multiple child records within ETL and inside Salesforce update correspondent Parent records with flag allOrNone set to false. If any of those fails I'm adding error to child record. Since I have static boolean check, my first attempt of updating parent records is reverted and second is never happened.