I'm using the following custom controller convertLeadToMerchant
to convert Lead to Account object but receive the following warnings:
Operation: /apex/convertLeadToMerchant
By user/organization: 0051400000Bg7Vx/00D56000000CroQ
Caused the following Apex resource warnings:
Number of SOQL queries: 70 out of 100
The code for convertLeadToMerchant.apxc
is here:
public with sharing class LeadToMerchantController {
Lead objLead;
String objLeadId;
public LeadToMerchantController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
objLead = (Lead) controller.getRecord();
// Remove all extensions from the company name
// The extensions from custom object Company_Extensions__c are loaded in Set<String> companyExtensions
// Company can be with upper and lower case
// Company is made lowercase
// That is why company and companyNameLowerCase are processed in the same way
// And the method returns the processed company => company without its extensions
public static String splitCompanyName(String company) {
String companyNameLowerCase = company.toLowerCase();
List < Company_Extensions__c > extensions = Company_Extensions__c.getAll().values();
Set < String > companyExtensions = new Set < String > ();
for (Company_Extensions__c extension: extensions) {
for (String companyExtension: companyExtensions) {
integer extIndex = companyNameLowerCase.indexOf(' ' + companyExtension);
if (extIndex > -1) {
company = company.substring(0, extIndex);
companyNameLowerCase = companyNameLowerCase.substring(0, extIndex);
return company;
// website parameter contains list of one or more url addresses separeated by specific separator
// the urls are split by separator and each website is processed in the following way
// 1.The port in the website is removed
// 2.The www are added to the website
// 3.The directory index (.../index.html) is removed
// 4.The double slashes are removed
public static String normalizeWebsite(String website) {
String normWebsite = '';
if (website != null && !website.equals('')) {
List < String > leadSplitWebsitesList = website.split('[,;]');
String websiteSeparator = getUrlSeparator(website);
for (String leadSplitUrls: leadSplitWebsitesList) {
leadSplitUrls = leadSplitUrls.toLowerCase();
leadSplitUrls = NormalizationUtils.removePort(leadSplitUrls);
leadSplitUrls = NormalizationUtils.addWWW(leadSplitUrls);
leadSplitUrls = NormalizationUtils.removeDirectoryIndex(leadSplitUrls);
leadSplitUrls = NormalizationUtils.removeDoubleSlashes(leadSplitUrls);
normWebsite += leadSplitUrls;
normWebsite += websiteSeparator;
if (!websiteSeparator.equals('') && normWebsite.endsWith(websiteSeparator)) {
// remove last symbol
normWebsite = normWebsite.substring(0, normWebsite.length() - 1);
return normWebsite;
// Return separator of the urls
// Return '' if the urls is empty or if the separator is not among the symbol ',' symbol ';' sybmol ':'
public static string getUrlSeparator(String urls) {
if (urls == null || urls.equals('')) {
return '';
integer urlSeparator = urls.indexOf(',');
if (urlSeparator > -1) {
return ',';
urlSeparator = urls.indexOf(';');
if (urlSeparator > -1) {
return ';';
return '';
// returns the mail account name without the domain
public static String normalizeEmail(String email) {
String normalizedEmail = '';
normalizedEmail = normalizedEmail.toLowerCase();
if (normalizedEmail != null && !normalizedEmail.equals('')) {
Integer atIndex = email.indexOf('@');
if (atIndex > -1) {
normalizedEmail = email.substring(0, atIndex);
} else {
normalizedEmail = email;
return normalizedEmail;
// finds all real url addresses in the record parameter
// all found url adress are added into a list and the method returns the list
public static List < String > extractWebsites(String record) {
List < String > patternWebsite = new List < String > ();
if (record == null || record.equals('')) {
return patternWebsite;
String regexEncoding = '(https?://www.|https?|www.)([A-Za-z\\d._~:/?#\\[\\]@!$&\'()*+,;=-]|%[0-9a-fA-F]{2})+[.][A-Za-z]{2,3}';
Matcher websiteMatcher = Pattern.compile(regexEncoding).matcher(record);
while (websiteMatcher.find()) {
// the matching value
String entireUrl = websiteMatcher.group();
if (entireUrl != null && !entireUrl.equals('')) {
return patternWebsite;
// Set status Disqualified - Dead to the lead if
// 1. Lead company name coincide with Account company name;
// OR
// 2. Lead registration number coincide with Account registration number;
// OR
// 3. Some of the Lead websites coincide with some of the Account websites;
// OR
// 4. Some of the Lead emails coincide with some of the Account emails;
// OR
// 5. If merchant status is one of the following In Review/Active/Prospect by EMP;
public String leadStatusDisqualifiedDead(Lead leadObj) {
String company = leadObj.Company;
if (company != null && !company.equals('')) {
company = splitCompanyName(company);
List < Account > accountCompanyList = [SELECT Name, id, Status__c FROM Account];
List < Lead > updateLeadList = new List < Lead > ();
for (Account acc: accountCompanyList) {
String accountCompany = acc.Name;
accountCompany = splitCompanyName(accountCompany);
if (accountCompany != null) {
if (accountCompany.equals(company)) {
String accountStatus = acc.Status__c;
//if there is no account status do not stop the convertion
if (accountStatus != null && !accountStatus.equals('')) {
if (accountStatus.equals('In Review') || accountStatus.equals('Active') || accountStatus.equals('Prospect')) {
String accountId = acc.Id;
System.debug('1. Lead status is set to Disqualified - Dead');
return accountId;
String regNumber = leadObj.Registration_Number__c;
if (regNumber != null && !regNumber.equals('')) {
List < Account > accountRegNumberList = [SELECT Registration_Number__c, Status__c FROM Account];
List < Lead > updateLeadList = new List < Lead > ();
for (Account accRegNumber: accountRegNumberList) {
String accountRegistrationNumber = accRegNumber.Registration_Number__c;
if (accountRegistrationNumber != null) {
if (accountRegistrationNumber.equals(regNumber)) {
// Lead registration number coincides with Account registration number
String accountStatus = accRegNumber.Status__c;
if (accountStatus != null && !accountStatus.equals('')) {
if (accountStatus.equals('In Review') || accountStatus.equals('Active') || accountStatus.equals('Prospect')) {
String accountId = accRegNumber.Id;
System.debug('2. Lead status is set to Disqualified - Dead');
return accountId;
String website = leadObj.Website;
if (website != null && !website.equals('')) {
List < String > leadWebsites = extractWebsites(website);
for (String leadUrl: leadWebsites) {
String normWebsite = normalizeWebsite(leadUrl);
String leadWebsite = normWebsite.trim();
List < String > leadSplitWebsitesList = leadWebsite.split('[,;\\s]');
List < Account > accountWebsiteList = [SELECT Website, Status__c FROM Account];
List < Lead > updateLeadListURL = new List < Lead > ();
if (accountWebsiteList != null) {
for (Account acc: accountWebsiteList) {
String accountWebsite = acc.Website;
List < String > extractedAccountWebsite = extractWebsites(accountWebsite);
for (String accWebsite: extractedAccountWebsite) {
String accountSite = normalizeWebsite(accWebsite);
String accountStatus = acc.Status__c;
if (accountSite != null) {
for (String leadSplitUrls: leadSplitWebsitesList) {
if (accountSite.equals(leadSplitUrls)) {
if (accountStatus.equals('In Review') || accountStatus.equals('Active') || accountStatus.equals('Prospect')) {
String accountId = acc.Id;
System.debug('3. Lead status is set to Disqualified - Dead');
return accountId;
List < Contact > leadContacts = [select id, company_name__c, email from contact where company_name__c =: leadObj.id];
List < Account > accountList = [SELECT name, id from Account];
if (accountList.size() > 0) {
for (Account objAccount: accountList) {
List < Merchant_To_Contact__c > accountContacts = [select id, Merchant_Name__c, email__c from Merchant_To_Contact__c where Merchant_Name__c =: objAccount.id];
Integer leadContactsSize = leadContacts.size();
Integer accountContactsSize = accountContacts.size();
if (leadContactsSize == accountContactsSize && leadContactsSize > 0) {
// compare the elements of the lists only if their size is the same
for (Contact ldContact: leadContacts) {
String leadEmail = ldContact.Email;
leadEmail = normalizeEmail(leadEmail);
for (Merchant_To_Contact__c merchantToContact: accountContacts) {
String merchantEmail = merchantToContact.Email__c;
merchantEmail = normalizeEmail(merchantEmail);
if (merchantEmail.equals(leadEmail)) {
List < Account > accountStatus = [SELECT Status__c FROM Account where id =: objAccount.id];
String accountId = merchantToContact.Merchant_Name__c;
if (accountStatus.size() > 0) {
if (accountStatus.equals('In Review') || accountStatus.equals('Active') || accountStatus.equals('Prospect')) {
System.debug('4. Lead status is set to Disqualified - Dead');
// if any of the emails for lead contacts coincide with any of the emails for the account contacts return true
return accountId;
} else {
return accountId;
String accountId = accWithOpenOpp();
if (accountId != null && !accountId.equals('')) {
System.debug('5. Lead status is set to Disqualified - Dead');
// if there is an existing account by opportunity the process of conversion is stopped
return accountId;
// Lead should be converted to merchant
return '';
// Check for already existing account by the following criterium
// 1. Account status is 'Terminated' or 'Rejected' or 'Prospect'
// 2. there is at least one Opportunity which is open and with type 'New Business'
private String accWithOpenOpp() {
List < Account > allAccounts = [SELECT status__c from Account];
for (Account acc: allAccounts) {
String accStatus = acc.Status__c;
if (accStatus != null && !accStatus.equals('')) {
if (accStatus.equals('In Review') || accStatus.equals('Active') || accStatus.equals('Prospect')) {
List < Opportunity > opp = [SELECT IsClosed, Type from Opportunity WHERE AccountId =: acc.Id];
for (Opportunity opportunity: opp) {
if (opportunity != null && opportunity.type != null) {
if (opportunity.type.equals('New Business') && !opportunity.isClosed) {
String accountId = acc.Id;
return accountId;
return '';
private void updateLeadStatus(Lead leadObj) {
leadObj.Status = 'Disqualified – Dead';
leadObj.Status_Reason__c = 'Duplicate Lead';
update leadObj;
public PageReference convertOrRedirect() {
String convertToMerchant = '/lead/leadconvert.jsp?retURL=%2F' + objLead.id + '&id=' + objLead.id + '&nooppti=0&nooverride=1';
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference(convertToMerchant);
List < Lead > leadList = [SELECT name, id, company, website, Registration_Number__c from Lead where id =: objLead.id];
if (leadList.size() > 0) {
objLead = leadList.get(0);
String objLeadId = objLead.id;
String accountId = leadStatusDisqualifiedDead(objLead);
if (accountId == null || accountId.equals('')) {
System.debug('pageRef ' + pageRef);
return pageRef;
} else {
String doNotConvertToMerchant = '/apex/convertToMerchant';
pageRef = new PageReference(doNotConvertToMerchant);
pageRef.getParameters().put('LeadId', objLeadId);
pageRef.getParameters().put('AccId', accountId);
return pageRef;
return pageRef;
Could you please advise how to avoid the warinings?
loop.That is strictly not recommended. There is a limit of 100 SOQL's in a single transaction.That's the reason of warning i think.