I have a below trigger created where I use a field called Hiring Manger to identify the user's email id and send an email to the person that a project is assigned to them. But my trigger runs every time a do some edit to the record with out changing the hiring manger field. I would like to send an email only if the previous value does not match the current value in hiring manager field. How can i implement this condition here:
trigger SendEmailToHiringManger on SFDC_Job_Opening__c (after insert, after update) {
list<SFDC_Job_Opening__c> i = [select id,SO__c,SFDC_Job_Opening__c.Hiring_Manager__r.email,Account_Name__c from SFDC_Job_Opening__c where id IN:trigger.newMap.keySet()];
for( SFDC_Job_Opening__c s : i)
system.debug('Name is'+ s.Hiring_Manager__c);
String userEmail = s.Hiring_Manager__r.email;
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[] {userEmail};
mail.setSubject('You have a project assigned' + ' So#- '+ s.SO__c);
String body = 'Project Assigned' + '-' + s.SO__c + ' ' + s.Account_Name__c ;
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEMailMessage[]{mail});