I am prepopulating the email bod as shown in the highlighted line. When the email is sent, the receiver sees the lines appended to the email body. However the sender when drafting the email doesn't see the text or link appended to the body. Is there a way to prepoulate the email body so that the sender too sees the appended text before sending the email.
public PageReference sendEmail(){ tId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id'); String emailimageid = mytm.Email_Image_Id__c; tComment = new MY_Comments__c(); Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); if(emailTo != null && emailTo.trim() != ''){ toaddress = emailTo.split(',',0); if(toaddress.size()>0){ mail.setToAddresses(toaddress); } } if(emailCC != null && emailCC.trim() != ''){ ccaddress = emailCC.split(',',0); if(ccaddress.size()>0){ mail.setCcAddresses(ccaddress); } } mail.setSubject(emailSubject); **mail.setHTMLBody(emailBody + '
' + '
' + '\n Click the link below' + '
' + ' \n https://na9.salesforce.com/' +MYtransactionId + '
' + '
' + '' +' \n DEADLINE: A RESPONSE MUST BE INITIATED IN SALESFORCE WITHIN 48 HOURS OF RECEIPT OF THIS MESSAGE');** try{ Messaging.SendEmailResult[] resultMail = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); if(resultMail[0].isSuccess()) { } catch{ }