I have suppose achild object 'A' to Lead.Now if I convert Lead ,it is converted to Account ,opportunity.My requirement is that the on Lead conversion the 'A' object should be attached to the Account and Opportunity as a child object. What is the feasible solution
1 Answer
You can achieve this using Process Builder. Apex code solution will be to write a trigger on Lead. In below example we are relining child cases on lead to account. You can modify the code as per your requirement. and I will leave the troubleshooting of syntax error up to you :)
trigger LeadConvert on Lead (after update) {
LeadStatus convertStatus = [SELECT Id, MasterLabel FROM LeadStatus WHERE IsConverted=true LIMIT 1];
System.debug('>>>>>Converted Status: '+convertStatus.MasterLabel);
List<Database.LeadConvert> leadsToBeConverted = new List<Database.LeadConvert>();
Database.LeadConvert leadConvert;
for(Lead ld : trigger.new){
leadConvert = new database.LeadConvert();
System.debug('Lead Id: ' + ld.Name + 'Owner Id ' + ld.OwnerId);
List<Database.LeadConvertResult> leadConvertResults = Database.ConvertLead( leadsToBeConverted );
list<Case> caselist = new list<Case>();
set<id> convertedleadids = new set<id>();
for(Database.LeadConvertResult lCR : leadConvertResults){
System.debug('Lead Id: ' + lCR.getLeadId() + '; Converted Status: ' + lCR.isSuccess());
// Lead_Name__c is lookup filed to lead
caselist = [select Lead_Name__c, Lead_Name__r.ConvertedAccountId, Lead_Name__r.ConvertedContactId , AccountId from Case where Lead_Name__c in : convertedleadids];
System.debug('caselist '+caselist );
list<Case> updatecases = new list<Case>();
for(Case cs: caselist){
cs.AccountId= cs.Lead_Name__r.ConvertedAccountId;
cs.ContactId= cs.Lead_Name__r.ConvertedContactId ;
cs.Lead_Name__c = null;
update updatecases;