Am Creating a dynamic apex chart .The problem am facing is in calculating the maximum value is considering only 500.00 where in the map has still higher values . Thanks for help in advance.
The Flollowing Code is For Reference
<apex:page controller="ApexChartTest" action="{!BuildChartData}">
var dataAcc = new Array();
<apex:repeat value="{!ChartData}" var="a">
var dataArray = {};
dataArray['Fyname'] = '2015';
<apex:repeat value="{!ChartData[a]}" var="cmap">
dataArray['{!cmap}'] = '{!ChartData[a][cmap]}';
console.log('{!cmap} {!ChartData[a][cmap]}');
<apex:chart height="400" width="900" data="dataAcc">
<apex:legend position="right"/>
<apex:axis type="Numeric" position="left" fields="{!yfields}" title="Test Chart" grid="true" minimum="0" />
<apex:axis type="Category" position="bottom" fields="Fyname" title="TestChart" >
<apex:chartLabel rotate="0"/>
<apex:barSeries title="{!yfields}" orientation="vertical" axis="left" tips="false" colorsProgressWithinSeries="true" xField="Fyname" yField="{!yfields}" >
<apex:chartTips height="50" width="150" labelField="Fyname" valueField="{!yfields}" />
public class ApexChartTest {
public string yfields { get; set; }
public Map<String,Map<String,Decimal>> ChartData { get; set; }
public void BuildChartData(){
ChartData = new Map<String,Map<String,decimal>>();
Map<String,decimal> tempmap = new Map<String,decimal>();
tempmap.put('Gross Sales',13500.00);
tempmap.put('Sales Return',1000.00);
tempmap.put('Net Sales',12500.00);
tempmap.put('Depriciation Expense',500.00);
yfields = 'IE,RE,Gross Sales,Sales Return,Net Sales,Depriciation Expense';