here I just want to check whether my assignment rule is working properly or not, so I have written a trigger, but in trigger I think I am doing something wrong so getting this error--Error: Compile Error: expecting a right parentheses, found '&' at line 13 column 0
, can anyone please help me out.
trigger Testing on Case (after insert) {
List<Profile> PROFILE = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Profile WHERE Id=:userinfo.getProfileId() LIMIT 1];
Public String MyProflieName = PROFILE[0].Name;
List<User> Use = new List<User>([SELECT Phone, Id FROM User WHERE Id = : UserInfo.getUserId()]);
for(Case c:Trigger.New)
for(User u: Use)
(c.RecordType.Name='Client Service')
&((c.Categories__c !='DCS Client Services')||(c.Categories__c !='DCS Technical Support'))
&((c.Account_Segmentation__c != 'Z2')||(c.Account_Segmentation__c != 'Z3')||(c.Account_Segmentation__c != 'Z4')||(c.Account_Segmentation__c !=' Z5')||(c.Account_Segmentation__c != 'D1'))
&((MyProflieName=='DCS Client Services')||(MyProflieName=='DCS Technical Support'))