I want to calculate Year of working experience days. I have a field "year of experience from"(data type:date) and "year of experience to"(data type:date). How to calculate Total days of experience? What is the formula for this?

Any help much appreciated.

Thank You.

  • What is the data type of year of experience from ? Commented Feb 26, 2016 at 7:07

3 Answers 3


Create a new formula field of Number type with decimal places as 0. Use the following formula to calculate the No. of Days, (Year_of_Experience_To__c - Year_of_Experience From__c), provided that the datatype of both the fields is date.

Formula[Number] => (Year_Of_Experience_To__c - Year_Of_Experience_From__c)

(TODAY() - DATE OF JOIN)/365. .

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