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Phil - If you could post the link to a working example that would be great! Running on background or popup both fail for me as the url is coming back with chrome-extension://..... instead of
After a lot of examination ForceTK does NOT work OOTB for chrome extensions. It's looking for hostnames and protocols (which are not typical from a chrome extension) attempts to proxy based on those variables.
What does this mean? ForceTK requires that you add the correct REST endpoint hostname for your instance (i.e. or similar) as a remote site in Your Name > Administration Setup > Security Controls > Remote Site Settings.
When I run this with the current sessionID I'm getting this; Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND chrome-extension://okgglkjjoapejcmbmegeclmnfmdamool/services/data/v29.0/query?q=SELECT%20Id%2C%20Name%20FROM%20Opportunity&_=1474424357089. Looks like forcetk is not being passed the instance id. How do I do that?