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Matt and Neil's user avatar
Matt and Neil's user avatar
Matt and Neil
  • Member for 12 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
3 votes

IFrame into SalesForce

3 votes

Organization Administration Locked...?

3 votes

Is it possible to convert an SObject to a Map?

3 votes

Enabling Case.IsSelfServiceClosed on Dev Org?

3 votes

What are the advantages/disadvantages of adding JavaScript libraries as a static resource?

3 votes

Attempt to get html from visualforce page results in "BLOB is not a valid UTF-8 String"

3 votes

How to add site to package

3 votes

Searching "everything" in Salesforce

3 votes

Make 'Asset Name' field unique

3 votes

Using Custom Setting to create navbar, how do I sort correctly?

3 votes

Is there a way to load an internal Salesforce page from a scheduled batch?

3 votes

OAuth 2.0 (or similar) without security token

3 votes

How can I get organization's namespace prefix or at least ALL namespace prefixes including org through any API

3 votes

How do we deal with Trigger not referencing the actual Object?

3 votes

Can i call One Visual force page into another Visual force page which is in PDF

3 votes

Custom help page for controller extension?

3 votes

Quick way to clear all classes and triggers

3 votes

Is there anyway to get the name/label of a field without doing a field describe?

3 votes

Point visualforce site to a domain

3 votes

Passing a javascript variable value to component attribute value

3 votes

Custom Settings - Validation Rule

3 votes

PageBlockTable with Lists of <objects>

3 votes

XML for creating Metadata with SOAP API

3 votes

DML not allowed on User

3 votes

Using per subscriber callout from managed package

3 votes

Best way to manage webhooks

3 votes

Bulk API and Static Variable State

3 votes

OAuth web server flow - login redirect loop?

3 votes

Need to convert date format in apex

3 votes

Visualforce Component Getter/Setters from a Base Class

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