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JOIN two dataset adding 1 column in SAQL

I am quite new in salesforce SAQL and I'm wondering how to combine in the simplest way two dataset with the following logic. I have D1 with almost 10 columns. All are important and one of them has ...
fpisto's user avatar
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How to join/cogroup by multiple fields in SAQL?

I am new to SAQL and am trying to join two datasets (let's call them q and r) using cogroup. I have 4 columns in each table (let's call these A, B, C and D). Columns A - C are the same in both ...
JC2020sg's user avatar
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Need to get the most recent CaseHistory record for the particular date(Created Date) in the einstein analytics

I have the table like this:- CaseNumber CaseHistory Created Date 005 oo1 09/02/2020 002 10/02/2020 006 003 ...
Sushant Arora's user avatar
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Show derived measure in aggregate bar chart

I want to show a bar chart with list of opportunities and total days it took to close the opportunity. I tried the below query q = load "DTC_Opportunity_SAMPLE"; q = foreach q generate '...
S.Sujendran's user avatar
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Is it possible to save/persist data from an Einstein Dataset back to Salesforce?

We are building a Lightning application that will be used to show Einstein consolidated data to users. We want to either consume this data directly from Einstein (we know we can do that with Wave SDK ...
Sergio's user avatar
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Salesforce Analytics Dataflow - Aggregating datasets?

Assume I have a dataset like such: Cart Data ---------- oId cId iId $$ 1 C1 . 2 1 C1 . 3 1 C2 . 3 2 C1 . 1 3 C2 . 3 3 C3 . 4 4 c4 . 5 4 c4 . 5 5 c2 . 4 6 ...
Oreganop's user avatar
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SAQL to generate a field not in a group by statement

I'm a bit of a beginner to SAQL. I have been tasked with maintaining a fairly elaborate dashboard and data flow and have been asked to add some features to it. There is a lens that displays a chart ...
Brandon Slaght's user avatar
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How to check "does not contain" in saql?

I have written my saql like q = load "Opportunities"; q = filter q by !('Opportunity.Name' in ["test","TEST ","Test"]); q = group q by 'Opportunity.Name'; q = foreach q generate 'Opportunity.Name' ...
moni's user avatar
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Can complex (Variance) analysis be done in Einstein Analytics?

Background Every month we copy revenue data in our from their original objects (complex normalized tree of related objects) into something we call a snapshot. A denormalized flat table (Custom object)...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
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How to get row with rows salesforce opportunity id from a dataset of Opportunity History(Left) and opportunity(Right)

Below is the SAQL being tried by me. q = load "RELAOpportunityDataset"; q = filter q by 'Opportunity.OpptyRecType.Name' == "RELA Opportunity"; q = foreach q generate q.'Opportunity.Id' as '...
Sam R's user avatar
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SAQL sort without including field in the return results

I need to sort by a field in a SAQL query, but I do not want that field to appear in my results. For example, I am trying to do this q = load "xxx"; q = foreach q generate 'account_id' as '...
Sebastian Kessel's user avatar
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Using variables in SAQL

I'm trying to basically work with SAQL using some sort of variable. Not sure why every time I do that, I receive an error that the Identifier can't be found. So, let's suppose I want to divide the ...
Eliijahh's user avatar
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Assign bindings to variables

I'm working on a Einstein Analytics project, and I'm trying to get some bindings to be assigned to variables. "q = load \"Dataset\"; _value = foreach q generate ({{cell(S_Amount__1_USD.result, 0, \"...
Eliijahh's user avatar
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In Wave/Einstein analytics, is it possible to combine query results from 2 different datasets into the same visualization?

I am creating charts/tables on a Wave Dashboard using a small number of datasets that I've created using dataflows and recipes. What I want to do now is to query (i.e., somehow get data) from two of ...
Zachary Rodman's user avatar