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how to create and send the request/response body for the post method in test class [duplicate]

static testMethod void testPost(){ RestRequest req = new RestRequest(); RestResponse res = new RestResponse(); Profile testEditorProfile = [Select id from Profile where Name= :System....
Paritosh's user avatar
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How to set StatusCode on Test.setMock [duplicate]

I have a simple class that just calls the generic HTTPCallOUt method for its test class. I want it to be able to fail in order to catch all the code. Here is my code: Test.startTest(); Test....
Simple Code's user avatar
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Test Class For Http callout Post [duplicate]

Kindly Provide me a feasible solution to write the test class for this below code` public class ActiveCampaign { @future (callout=true) public static void createUser(String Email, String FirstName, ...
Soren Pradhan's user avatar
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Help with TEST Class using @HttpGet [duplicate]

I have this simple little @HttpGet method. @HttpGet global static List<Case> getCases() { RestRequest req = RestContext.request; RestResponse res = RestContext.response; ...
Matthew Harris's user avatar
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Test class for HTTPCallout POST with Invocable Method from Flow [duplicate]

I'm still pretty new to this, and I've looked around and haven't been able to find the solution that combines everything like I'm trying to do. I've tried quite a few things, but here's where I ...
OmniMacchiato's user avatar
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How to call this method from web service in my test class [duplicate]

I am not able to call this method in my test class: WebServiceCallout.invoke( this, request_x, response_map_x, new String[]{endpoint_x, 'https://www....
Ram's user avatar
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Creating an Apex Test Class for Apex class that handles a webhook integration when an opportunity in Salesforce moves to the 'Closed Won' stage [duplicate]

How can I create a test class on the below trigger? public class webhookOpportunityStageNameClosedWon { // call method 'handleOpportunityStageNameClosedWon' in the '...
Cat's user avatar
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Apex Test Class failing - cannot figure it out - Webcall out [duplicate]

I am trying to use an Apex Class I found at this link: Here is the Apex Class: Public class ...
Mike Rydell's user avatar
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Creating a Test Class for 2 Classes [duplicate]

In order for Territory Assignment rules to fire on Account creation and Update, I have got 2 Classes working (with Triggers), however I am struggling to create a Test class for these, any help would ...
Liam Heppenstall's user avatar
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How to cover Http Response class method and AccessToken Method? [duplicate]

I have to increase the code coverage of the class. In order to do that, I have written code coverage for the constructors. This is the class: public class LendingTIDOutboundIntegrationHelper { ...
Ashok Priyadarshi Rout's user avatar
-3 votes
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How To Write Test Class for HTTP POST Method [duplicate]

How We can Write Test Class for this Method. public static String authMethod(){ Pardot_Credential_Setting__c objSetting = customSetting(); if(objSetting != null){ ...
Bablu Kumar's user avatar
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Test class where a single method calls two Webservices in a row [duplicate]

I need to create a Test class where a single method (doPost()) calls two Webservices in a row. The first is a REST API and the second is a SOAP API. The first API retrieve a token that I need to use ...
sdfcwolf's user avatar
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How to write a test class for a method that send a htttp request among other things [duplicate]

I'm trying to write the test class for a method like this. @AuraEnabled public static DynamicTableMapping getFilteredAccounts(String filterId){ List<string> headervalue = new ...
Javier's user avatar
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Problem with Apex HTTP callout POST Test [duplicate]

I get the following error: "System.CalloutException: You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out" when executing my test. The code coverage is already at ...
Josue Rivas's user avatar
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Correctly Write Test and Callout test on trigger [duplicate]

I have a trigger on Account after insert and after update. In both cases I need to call my BUS to update in the compagny database. Since I will have to deploy my dev into QA I need to write a test ...
Benoît S's user avatar

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