Can some provide some useful links for the starting development in sales force touch platform?

I have already setup, sales force mobile sdk in eclipse setup, but I want to work on sales force touch

How to download the controls for the mobile development, also some tutorial examples for the starting the touch development?

2 Answers 2


The Salesforce Touch Platform is the next-generation platform that powers Salesforce's mobile applications and enables enterprises to build their own iPad, iPhone, and Android applications.

According to Salesforce's documentation:

Recommended Learning Path

The Salesforce Touch Platform - Mobile Development Guide contains everything you need to get started developing mobile apps in the cloud. From architectural considerations to deployments, this is your one-stop shop for mobile development. We made it quick and easy by giving you template projects, sample apps that you can modify, and lots of code. When your app is up and running on mobile devices, there are advanced topics on caching data offline, geolocation, using the camera, and more. Download the PDF and get started today!

Salesforce Touch Platform

You can also request a hard copy if needed.


Can some provide some useful links for case study "the sales force learning"? "the sales force learning" and "the sales learning curve" are the same or not?

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