I need to catch the time when a case status is changed from one status to another. like a case is in new status now its change to working or a case is in working and when it is changed to escalated . I want the time between one case status to another . please Help me, How can i achieve this task???
I have written a trigger.. But there is some mistake i could not find... please Help me and modify the error.
I create an Object: CaseStatusDuration Three fields are there: 1>currStat 2>casNum 3>Duration__c(Field Type:Date/Time)
When a case status will change then the Duration between two status will be save to that object CaseStatusDuration in Duration field.
trigger statusUpdateTrigger1 on Case (after update) {
List<Case> cases = new List<Case>(trigger.new);
for(Case c : cases)
if(c.status != trigger.oldMap.get(c.id).status){
DateTime d1=c.CreatedDate;
DateTime d2=c.LastModifiedDate;
decimal Hours = decimal.valueOf((d2.getTime() - d1.getTime()));
decimal hour1 = Hours/(1000*60*60);
Integer min1 = Integer.valueOf(Hours/(1000*60));
String str1=String.valueOf(hour1);
string[] str2=str1.split('\\.');
string hour=str2[0];
string min=string.valueOf(min1);
String currStat=c.Status;
String casNum=c.CaseNumber;
CaseStatusDuration__c obj =new CaseStatusDuration__c();
insert obj;