I am creating a mail merge template on opportunity. On Opportunity, we have a custom Account lookup field named Supplier Name (API name is SupplierName__c). I want to include this Account fields like Phone, Address etc in the mail merge template but I am not able to do this.

I can display Supplier Name but cannot retrieve other fields. To display phone, I tried this:

<< SupplierName_Phone >>

<< Supplier_Name_Phone>>

<< Opportunity_SupplierName_Phone>>

<< Opportunity_Supplier_Phone>>

Any Idea how it should be done?

Edit: To display Supplier Name I using this formula Opportunity_SupplierName and it works.

  • Did you try using dot notation? SupplierName__r.Phone? Commented Sep 14, 2015 at 14:12
  • No. but as for as I know, dot notation is not allowed in mail merge templates. To display Supplier Name I used this formula Opportunity_SupplierName and it works.
    – abdn
    Commented Sep 15, 2015 at 8:09


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