I have this registration form (VF Page) that creates a contact up on submission. Contact have a lookup field mypartner__c which looks up mypartner__c custom object. User should be able to select partner as part of their application submission.
It works perfectly fine when logged in as Salesforce user and access the page as mysalesforce.com/apex/lkpPage. However the popup do not populate values when same page is accessed through a force.com site
Here is simplified version of page code:
<apex:page sidebar="false" standardController="contact">
<apex:pageBlock title="Registration">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageblocksection title="Test" collapsible="false">
<apex:inputfield value="{!contact.FirstName}"/>
<apex:inputfield value="{!contact.LastName}"/>
<apex:inputfield value="{!contact.MyPartner__c}" /> <!--This is the lookupfield -->
Site guest user profile have all required permission to both contact partner objects. I even tried ViewAll on partner object just to check if permission is a problem. But look up wont show any values. Popup appears when lens icon is clicked but do not show any values.
I still think this is a permission error. Can someone please help me figure it out.