I'm trying to build the usual "URL hack" to default some field values when a new record is created. This is a simple override that basically has a page like:
<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="Redirect" action="{!redirect}"></apex:page>
Within the Redirect extension, I basically evaluate a URLFOR formula, create a PageReference, tweak the parameters, then return that value:
public class Redirect {
PageReference ref;
public Redirect(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
Map<String, String> params = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters();
// Modify "params" here ...
Component.Apex.outputText text = new Component.Apex.OutputText();
text.expressions.value = '{!$Action.Account.New, null, null, true)}';
ref = new PageReference((String)text.value);
public PageReference redirect() {
return ref;
The Problem
This works just fine for the page override, but in a unit test, I get the typical* "Internal Error" message.
* (Typical in the sense that whenever I try to get clever, I find a gack.)
I created a pared-down version of this code, which I'll include here. Anyone should be able to replicate this simply by copying the code.
public class Fail {
public String result { get; set; }
public Fail() {
Component.Apex.OutputText outputText = new Component.Apex.OutputText();
outputText.expressions.value = '{!URLFOR($, null, null, true)}';
result = (String)outputText.value;
The Page
<apex:page controller="Fail">
The Unit Test
@isTest class FailTest {
@isTest static void test() {
Fail controller = new Fail();
The Debug Logs
The problem happens on line 7. Depending on if you're viewing the page or unit test log, you'll be okay or you'll crash...
Visualforce Page
16:46:25.037 (37809369)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[7]
16:46:25.040 (40080177)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[7]|Bytes:183
16:46:25.040 (40114840)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[7]|Fail.__sfdc_result(String)
16:46:25.040 (40176294)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[-1]|this|{}|0x3e9bbfb2
16:46:25.040 (40201749)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[-1]|value|"<redacted> (163 more) ..."
16:46:25.040 (40222019)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[2]|this.result|"<redacted> (163 more) ..."|0x3e9bbfb2
16:46:25.040 (40231016)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[7]|phyrfox.Fail.__sfdc_result(String)
Unit Test
16:45:23.304 (304629894)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[7]
16:45:23.311 (311852850)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[7]|Bytes:74
16:45:23.311 (311919790)|CONSTRUCTOR_EXIT|[4]|01p50000000IXHe|<init>()
16:45:23.311 (311995561)|FATAL_ERROR|System.UnexpectedException: Internal Salesforce Error: 1023487650-296345 (2002653621) (2002653621)
The Question
Does anyone know why this is broken? Is there a quick workaround? Of course, I'm going to contact support as well, but I wanted this out here to see if the community might have experienced this before and how it can be fixed.
outputText.expressions.value = '{!1<>2}';
can't be cast to a string in theoutputText.value
property in a testmethod