I'm having trouble with something I think should be really simple! I have two fields: ts2__Start_Date__c and End_Date__c that are of Date type.
I've got the following variables:
public Date startDate {
public Date endDate {
The following query:
projectQuery = 'SELECT Name, List__c, Objectives__c, ts2__Start_Date__c, End_Date__c FROM ts2__Project_Job__c WHERE ts2__Project_Manager__c = \'' + user + '\' AND Project_Status__c != \'Completed\' LIMIT 1';
And the following loop which should simply assign the values of the one queried row to the variables.
for (ts2__Project_Job__c p : Database.query(projectQuery)) {
accountsList += p.List__c;
objectives += p.Objectives__c;
startDate += p.ts2__Start_Date__c;
endDate += p.End_Date__c;
For some reason though, I'm getting the error:
Date arithmetic expressions must use Integer or Long arguments
Any reason why I'd be getting this error?