I have 2 visualforce pages :
- refugee_main_tfi
- refugee_dash_tfi
To make them available to public ( without salesforce login ) I have created a site and added these pages through "Enable Visualforce Page Access" to site.
now when i access the site I face two issues: http://tfifellows-refugeetransition.cs17.force.com/tfihome
- my static resources are not loaded. ( logo image is missing)
- The second page after redirect from the first gives me "Authorization error" --> http://tfifellows-refugeetransition.cs17.force.com/tfihome/refugee_dash_tfi?Id=003g000000X2CwhAAF ( this is how the url looks after redirect)
This is snippet of my controller for first page that redirects to the second. First page is accessible but not the second (authorization error)
// if validated everything, redirect to detail page for found HBT ID
String strNewUrl = '/apex/refugee_dash_tfi?Id=' + lstContacts[0].Id;
PageReference pr = new PageReference (strNewUrl);
pr.setRedirect (true);
return pr;
I am new to salesforce and trying to build a site from where contacts can edit objects related to them. Any guidance will be highly appreciated.
PageReference pr = Page.refugee_dash_tfi;
instead the platform would take care of that for you. You can add parameters via the getParameters map.