One of my custom objects have a relationship with User object. I need to pull SAML Federation ID (Field Name: FederationIdentifier) of User object into a formula field in the custom object through this relationship, but it is not available in the Insert Field pick-list. Screenshot below. enter image description here

  • Have you tried just changing the API name in your formula field instead of declaratively inserting it? Like, just type in 'Current_User___C.FederationIdentifier__C' (assuming ofcourse that you have the relationship properly set.
    – dotmiko
    Commented Jul 16, 2015 at 20:46
  • @dotmiko: Yes, I tried that. As expected, check syntax yields "Error: Field FederationIdentifier does not exist. Check spelling." Commented Jul 16, 2015 at 21:08

2 Answers 2


First create a shadow TextArea (long) (len =512) Federation Id field on User - federationId__c

Then ..


  1. Use Process Builder to set FederationId__c from Saml Federation Id in an update action that executes unconditionally. Unfortunately, SAML Federation ID isn't available to Workflow Field Updates - only Process Builder
  2. Use a before insert/update trigger on User to do the same as #1


Use the shadow field in your cross object formula

  • Thanks for the pointer on Process Builder! I was about to use a trigger, but wanted to find if there is a way to solve this without a new db field. Commented Jul 17, 2015 at 15:04

SAML Federation ID in Reports

This is not an answer to the question I asked. But in case you reached here, requiring SAML Federation ID of a related user only in a report, you do not have to create a new Formula Field. Instead, you could simply add it to your report type via a lookup. Instructions and screenshot below:

  • Go to Setup > Build > Create > Report Types.
  • Drill down on the Report Type that belongs to the object, in which you need to fetch the SAML Federation Identifier of related user.
  • Click Edit Layout.
  • On the right pane, choose your object in the View selector.
  • Click the link that reads Add fields related via lookup >>.
  • Drill down on your user relationship field (in my case, it is "Current User") and choose SAML Federation ID. Click Ok.
  • Save the Report Type.

You will now find SAML Federation ID in the list of fields available for you report. Cheers!

enter image description here

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