I have a class and a test method. When trying to deploy I get the following error
This is the class:
global class ClientAllocation {
WebService static List<Account> getAccount()
string strQuery = 'select Name, CASESAFE_ID__c, Production_environment__c, External_Identifier__c, Member_Web_URL__c, Administration__c, Pensions__c, Broking__c, Helpdesk__c, Helpdesk_Email__c, Helpdesk_Number__c, Account_Owner_Name__c, Darwin_Support_Associate__c, Selection_Window_Open_Month__c WHERE Type = Client';
List<Account> sobjList = Database.query(strQuery);
return sobjList;
and this is the test class:
public class ClientAllocationTest{
public static @isTest void sampleTestMethod(){
list<Account> alist = ClientAllocation.getAccount();
// system.assert();
Can anyone explain/help me understand why this error is showing. Not sure why it doesn't like the WHERE function. We have an existing function that uses this in.
Many thanks,