I have enabled state and picklist value in client's unlimited org. I need to access only dependent state based on selected Country code. There are some integration and other apex changes where I need only dependent state value in a Map( like : 'MH'=> 'Maharastra')... I am using below code but It will give all the state values. I need only states based on country values. e.g. : For Indian it should have only 35 state which belong to India only.
Schema.DescribeFieldResult F = Contact.MailingStateCode.getDescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> P = F.getPicklistValues();
Map<String, String> tempMap = new Map<String, String>();
for(Schema.PicklistEntry sp : P){
tempMap.put(sp.getValue(), sp.getLabel());
System.debug('----tempMap-----'+tempMap.get('MH')); // Here it is returning 'Meath' as MH will be state code for some other states as well
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in Adance !!