We've defined a custom field in our Tasks that is defined as a Number(8,4), our regional configuration is set to Spanish(Chile) where the thousand separator is period (.) and the decimal separator is a comma (,).
In the PC's keypad, which everyone uses heavily, there's a period and not a comma.
Programs like Excel automatically get the decimal separator from the regional configuration of the machine and replaces the period, obviously this is not the case with Salesforce or anything web related.
As this is typed inside the native Task layout, i cannot add jQuery to validate the input prior to saving or updating.
Validation rules and Triggers receive the inserted value post-processed, for example "1,2" in a trigger (after String.valueOf()) is received as "12".
So the short version of what we're trying to achieve is the following
- 1.2 (invalid, some warning should appear)
- 1,2 (valid, 1 is the integer part and 2 the decimal part)
Thanks in advance