I need to retrieve all packages installed into organization along with their contents (i.e. classes, objects etc.). But different org could have different packages installed.
I was going to use ant's sf:retrieve target for this. But the problem is: I can't just hardcode list of package names into packageNames param.
It looks like at first I need to get list of installed package names. I've tried already different approaches to get full package name, i.e. sf:listMetadata, sf:describeMetadata, sf:bulkRetrieve, retrieve objects and parse their names. But in all these cases I could get only namespace prefix or package version, but no full name.
And unfortunately, sf:retrieve's packagesName doesn't work with namespaces (which is really frustrating for me).
Maybe someone from community has already encountered with such problem (or maybe even solved it). Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.