I have a picklist field "Status" on a custom object. I've set the field level security to read-only for all profiles except for the system administrator profile. So, from the UI, no user can edit this field. However, I have created a custom button that uses a web service method to update this field from one status value to another status value. I only want the users to update this field from the custom button and not manually thru the page layout (UI). I get insufficient privileges. Is there a way to allow the user to bypass the field level security using apex. I tried setting the class to "without sharing", but that didn't work?
Here is my apex code:
global without sharing class RevisionRequestCloseSendApproval {
WebService static String closeRequestSendOrderApproval(String requestId)
try {
Revision_Request__c request = [select Status__c, Order__c from Revision_Request__c where Id =: requestId];
request.Status__c = 'Closed';
update request;
SalesOrder__c so = [Select Status__c from SalesOrder__c where Id =: request.Order__c];
so.Status__c = 'Awaiting Customer Approval';
update so;
return 'OK';
catch(Exception e) {
return e.getMessage();