So, Ive managed to learn a bit of Apex code. Now I need help with associated test code. Could someone please help me get started?
public class multiAddCEx {
public Id cID = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id'); //grab the Vendor Bill ID
//Integer count = 0;
string num_name = '';
// Lookup against Available Cost Codes Junction Object
public List<SelectOption> costcodes {get; set;}
public multiAddCEx (){
costcodes = new List<SelectOption>() ;
for(Cost_Code_Connection__c cc : [select Cost_Code_Junction2__r.Cost_Code_ID__c , Cost_Code_Percentage__c, id,name from Cost_Code_Connection__c where Cost_Code_Connection__c.Bill_Item_Junction__c =: cID order by Cost_Code_Junction2__r.Cost_Code_ID__c, Cost_Code_Percentage__c ]){
costcodes.add(new SelectOption(cc.Cost_Code_Junction2__r.Cost_Code_ID__c +' - '+ cc.Cost_Code_Percentage__c +'%',cc.Cost_Code_Junction2__r.Cost_Code_ID__c +' - '+ cc.Cost_Code_Percentage__c +'%' )) ;
//Lookup to find User Intranet ID in User records
public List<SelectOption> intranetids {get; set;}
intranetids = new List<SelectOption>() ;
intranetids.add(new SelectOption('-Select-','-Select-'));
for(User ui : [select Intranet_ID__c , id, name, IsActive from User where IsActive = True order by Intranet_ID__c]){
if (ui.Intranet_ID__c != null){
num_name =;
intranetids.add(new SelectOption(ui.Intranet_ID__c, ui.Intranet_ID__c +' - '+ num_name )) ;
List <Bill_Allotment__c> CExList;
public Id getID {get; set;}
public PageReference reset() { //pull at most 8 expense records to show so we don't clutter up the page
CExList = [select name, Bill_Allotment__c.Phone_Number__c , Allotment_Amount__c, Bill_Allotment__c.Allotment_User_Id__c, Bill_Allotment__c.Bill_Cost_Code__c from Bill_Allotment__c where Bill_Item__c =: cID order by createddate limit 0 ];
return null;
public List <Bill_Allotment__c> getCExs() {
if(CExList == null) reset();
return CExList;
public void setAccounts(List <Bill_Allotment__c> cexs) {
CExList = cexs;
public PageReference save() {//upsert records on save
upsert CExList;
ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.Severity.Info, 'Records Saved Successfully'); //show confirmation message on save
return null;
catch(DmlException ex){
return null;
//ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.Severity.Info, 'Records Saved Successfully'); //show confirmation message on save
//return null;}
public PageReference cancel() {//close window without upsert
return null;
public PageReference add() {
CExList.add(New Bill_Allotment__c(Bill_Item__c = cID)); //add records to Bill Items and associate with current Bill
return null;
//public Integer getCount() {
//return count;
// }