I have used Chatter Feed component on my visualforce page . Example : The problem is that sometimes the chatter feed is loading and working completely fine while sometimes it shows the below JS error :
Uncaught ReferenceError: Ext is not defined
Uncaught ReferenceError: chatter is not defined
and therefore feed is loading but nothing in the feed is working properly like comment / Like / File etc.
I don't understand why it is happening sometimes and not every time ... and how to get it resolved so that the problem never occurs.
Extension :
global with sharing class Market_View {
Public String businessGroupId {get;set;}
Public String businessUnitId {get;set;}
Public Id temp {get;set;}
Public void SetCurrentIdValue(){
String CurrentId ;
if(businessGroupId != Null ){
If(businessUnitId !=Null){
CurrentId = businessUnitId ;
CurrentId = businessGroupId ;
CurrentId = '';
system.debug('>>>>>>>>'+ CurrentId );
system.debug('>>>>>>>>' + businessUnitId + '>>>>>>>>' + businessGroupId );
if(CurrentId != '')
temp = (Id)CurrentId;
temp = Null;
public Market_View(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) {
temp = Null;
public List<SelectOption> getBusinessGroupList() {
List<SelectOption> businessGroupList= new List<SelectOption>();
businessGroupList.add(new SelectOption('', '--None--'));
List<Segmentation__c> lstSegmentation = [select id ,Name from Segmentation__c where Segmetation_Type_NG__c = 'Business Group']
for (Segmentation__c s: lstSegmentation ) {
businessGroupList.add(new SelectOption(s.Id, s.Name));
return businessGroupList;
public List<SelectOption> getBusinessUnitList() {
List<SelectOption> businessUnitList= new List<SelectOption>();
businessUnitList.add(new SelectOption('', '--None--'));
if(businessGroupId != ''){
List<Segmentation__c> lstSegmentation = [select id ,Name from Segmentation__c
where Segmetation_Type_NG__c = 'Business Unit'
AND Parent__c = :businessGroupId ];
for (Segmentation__c s: lstSegmentation ) {
businessUnitList.add(new SelectOption(s.Id, s.Name));
return businessUnitList;
VF Page :
<apex:page StandardController="Segmentation__c" extensions="Market_View" title="Market View" tabStyle="Segmentation__c" sidebar="false" showHeader="false">
<apex:form id="form">
<apex:pageBlock title="Market View">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Market Selection">
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
<apex:outputLabel for="Business_Group" value="Business Group" />
<apex:selectList value="{!businessGroupId}" title="Business Group" size="1" id="Business_Group">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!BusinessGroupList}" />
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" status="goStatus" action="{!SetCurrentIdValue}" rerender="Business_Unit,chatterFeed" />
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
<apex:outputLabel for="Business_Unit" value="Business Unit" />
<apex:selectList value="{!businessUnitId}" title="Business Unit" size="1" id="Business_Unit">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!BusinessUnitList}" />
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" status="goStatus" action="{!SetCurrentIdValue}" rerender="chatterFeed" />
<apex:actionstatus id="goStatus">
<apex:facet name="start">
<div class="waitingSearchDiv" id="el_loading" style="background-color: #fbfbfb;
height: 100%;opacity:0.65;width:100%;">
<div class="waitingHolder" style="top: 74.2px; width: 91px;">
<img class="waitingImage" src="/img/loading.gif" title="Please Wait..." />
<span class="waitingDescription">Please Wait...</span>
<apex:outputPanel id="chatterFeed" layout="block" >
<apex:pageBlock rendered="{!IF(temp!=null , true, false)}">
<apex:pageblockSection title="Market Collaboration" >
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
<chatter:feed entityId="{!temp}"/>