
> Here is the class where i need unit test

public class extCtrlEx 

private final account acc;
public extCtrlEx(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
public string getGreetings(){
return 'Hello '+acc.name ;
public void display(){}


I tried unit test it populates error like Compile Error: Constructor not defined: [extCtrlEx].() plz help to resolve the issue.


public class extCtrlEx_TC


static testMethod void testMthd()
Account acc=new Account();
//  extCtrlEx ece=new extCtrlEx ();

//    ece.display();

//    ece.getGreetings();


2 Answers 2


You need to construct a StandardController and pass that as a parameter to the constructor for your controller. StandardController needs one parameter: the account SObject you just created.


public class extCtrlEx_TC


static testMethod void testMthd()
      Account acc=new Account();
      ApexPages.StandardController ext =new ApexPages.StandardController(acc);
      extCtrlEx exc = new extCtrlEx(ext);

      System.assert('Add your assertion');

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