I have my date coming in through the page parameters:
custDelDate = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('delDate');
I converted this to date since one of my column in the table requires a date datatype. I did this by the below step:
custDeliveryDate = Date.parse(custDelDate);
Now, in my table it looks as below:
Tue Dec 30 00:00:00 GMT 2014.
I can format the date to mm/dd/yyyy and this returns me a strting, but I need a date datatype(with format dd/mm/yyyy) to suffice the below need of my inputText in the VisualForce page:
<apex:column headerValue="RRD Approved Start">
<apex:inputText id="rrdApprovedStart" value="{!d.rrdApprovedStart}"
onfocus="DatePicker.pickDate(true, '{!$Component.rrdApprovedStart}', false);"/>
<c:DatePickerComponent dateFieldId="{!$Component.rrdApprovedStart}" /> –
Please help me with this. I am so badly stuck with this issue.
Thanks, Priyanka