Can anyone provide me sample apex code to create recurring event in salesforce.
I am using below code:
Event newEvent = new Event();
newEvent.OwnerId = '023170000004yO9AAI';
newEvent.Subject ='Test';
newEvent.WhatId = recordId;
newEvent.IsRecurrence = true;
newEvent.RecurrenceStartDateTime =;
newEvent.RecurrenceEndDateOnly =;
newEvent.RecurrenceType = 'RecursDaily';
newEvent.IsAllDayEvent =true;
newEvent.DurationInMinutes =1440;
newEvent.ActivityDate = yagyaPerformanceObj.Start_Date__c;
insert newEvent;
I am using above code to create recurring event. My requirement is to create recurring event for 30 days which recurs daily. I am getting this error 'REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Recurrence Interval]: [Recurrence Interval]'
I don't know which field I am missing.
). It's pretty annoying that it appears to be giving you the label name instead of the API name, but you can always find the API name by going into the Object Manager.