I created a rollup summary on opportunity object to count on object 1. If count > 0 then field1= abc else xyz.

I tried the following...

  • created roll up count on object 1

  • created a formula text on the opportunity as...

IF(Opportunity__r.object1__c , abc, xyz)

It doesn't pass the syntax test. How do have the field1 with required values?

  • 1
    If the answers @Bachovski provided helped, please mark it as accepted. If it did not help, then please comment on what didn't work. Commented Aug 25, 2014 at 0:12

1 Answer 1


It's Opportunity.Field__c and not Opportunity__r.Field__c. If you are on the same object, you don't even have to specify the object type.

Another thing is, if your formula field is of a type string, you'll have to wrap your values in quotes, so in this case your formula should look like this:

IF(RollUpSummaryField__c > 0, "abc", "xyz")

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