It is general best practice to consolidate. The main advantage here is control of execution. When you have 2 triggers on the account object, there is no way to know or control which fires first. If however, you move those triggers into a utility class, called by a single account trigger, you now can control the order in which they are fired.
2 Trigger approach
trigger AccountTrigger1 on Account (before insert){
//your logic
trigger AccountTrigger2 on Account (before insert){
//your otherlogic
When you insert an account, sometimes trigger1 will fire first, and sometimes trigger2 will fire first, there is no way to predict or control this.
Consolidated approach
trigger AccountTrigger1 on Account (before insert){
AccountTriggerHelper helper = new AccountTriggerHelper();
public class AccountTriggerHelper {
public void myFirstMethod(list<Account> accs) {
//your logic
public void mySecondMethod(list<Account> accs) {
//your logic
So now you can see that you have control over the order of execution of your trigger logic.
You could just as easily change the order of execution by changing the order of method calls in your trigger like below
trigger AccountTrigger1 on Account (before insert){
AccountTriggerHelper helper = new AccountTriggerHelper();
helper.mySecondMethod(; //SWITCHED ORDER
To control recursion, you would still want to utilize static variables. I generally do this with another class. Something like this
public class TriggerContextUtility {
private static boolean firstRun = true;
public static boolean isFirstRun() {
return firstRun;
public static void setFirstRunFalse(){
firstRun = false;
Then you would use this in your trigger like this
trigger AccountTrigger1 on Account (before insert){
AccountTriggerHelper helper = new AccountTriggerHelper();
If(TriggerContextUtility.isFirstRun()) {