I have a problem making a testclass.
I need to simulate an exception for this class:
public class ScheduleOmniAlta50 implements Queueable, Database.AllowsCallouts {
private String body;
private String division;
private static Integer maxRetries = 2;
private static Integer retryIntervalMinutes = 1;
public ScheduleOmniAlta50(String body, String division) {
this.body = body;
this.division = division;
public void execute(QueueableContext context) {
try {
WSSem.Alta50Response resp = WSSem.sendAlta50(body, division);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (AsyncInfo.getCurrentQueueableStackDepth() < maxRetries) {
ScheduleOmniAlta50 sc = new ScheduleOmniAlta50(body, division);
ID jobID = System.enqueueJob(sc, retryIntervalMinutes);
My test is not going to the catch
public class ScheduleOmniAlta50Test implements Database.AllowsCallouts{
static XHttpCalloutMock getAlta50ResponseError;
static {
getAlta50ResponseError = new XHttpCalloutMock();
.addForAddress(SemAuth.SERVICE_CONFIG.URL__c + '/api/token');
.withBody('{"error": "Error en la solicitud", "hasError" : true}')
WSSem.SERVICE_CONFIG.URL__c + '/api/Validations/FinalStage'
static void testExecute_CalloutExceptionThrown() {
Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, getAlta50ResponseError);
ScheduleOmniAlta50 scheduleJob = new ScheduleOmniAlta50('Datos de prueba', 'División de prueba');
List<AsyncApexJob> retryJobs = [SELECT Id, Status FROM AsyncApexJob];
System.assertNotEquals(0, retryJobs.size(), 'Debería haber al menos un reintento programado');
WSSem.Alta50Response resp = WSSem.sendAlta50(body, division);
iin a class and use dependency injection to tell the class at testmethod time to throw an exception; advanced approach for dependency injection is apexmocks doThrowWhen method