I have a table with nested rows that are dynamically created when a dropdown onchange
event is fired. I'm having difficulty trying to dynamically add a class to the child table rows that are marked as labels. I set an attribute on the child rows data-childrow={l2.childRow}
. When I try to use the query selector to find these rows to add the class it is always null no matter what I've tried. I'm sure there is a better way to do this than what I'm trying.
I was able to add the class to the parent row using a similar approach. It seems that at the time I'm checking for the attribute to add the class on the child rows, it doesn't exist yet.
Is there a way to add a class to the rows that are identified as label/header rows at the time they are being created?
handleStatusChange(e) {
...// irrevalent code removed from easier view
if(this.status === 'green') {
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
if(item.levelone != rowData.key) i++;
var childRowIndex = JSON.stringify(i) + JSON.stringify(j);
if(rowData.key === item.levelone) {
rowData.rowList.push({value:item.value, key:item.key, isLabel:!item.isLabel, childRow:childRowIndex});
if(item.isLabel) {
console.log('*************************************** isLabel is true');
console.log('*************************************** childRowIndex ' + childRowIndex);
const childRowHeader = this.template.querySelector(`tr[data-childrow="${childRowIndex}"]`);
if(childRowHeader) {
this.template.querySelector(`tr[data-childrow="${childRowIndex}"]`).className = 'childRowHeading';
<template for:each={levelOne} for:item="l1" for:index="indexParent">
<tr key={l1.key} data-parentrow={indexParent}>
placeholder="--Please Select--"
data-index={indexParent} >
<template for:each={l1.rowList} for:item="l2" for:index="indexChild">
<tr key={l2.key} data-childrow={l2.childRow}>
<template lwc:if={l2.isLabel}>
<lightning-input type="checkbox" name="input2"></lightning-input>
<td colspan="2">
<template lwc:if={l1.showTxtInput}>
<lightning-input type="text" label="Notate..." value=""></lightning-input>