I have the standard lightning-radio-group
component on my LWC with below code:
<lightning-radio-group name="Selection" label="Is this your choice?"
required options={radioOptions} value={selectedVal} type="radio" data-id="radioGroup" onchange={handleRadioChange}>
this.selectedVal= event.target.value;
} catch(e){
console.error('handleRadioChange error: ', e);
I can see the little red asterisk right before the label, but when I click on 'Continue' button on the page, I am not seeing any standard error validation. Am I missing something? Do I need to write some custom logic to capture what is being selected and throw custom errors if non-selected?
Reference: lightning-radio-group
Update: Upon trying the solution from sfdcfox, I am able to get the custom validation on lightning-radio-group work the first time, but the validation is completely getting skipped any further tries. Here is my attempt:
let isValid = [...this.template.querySelectorAll('[data-id="radioGroup"]')].reduce(
function(validSoFar, field) {
return validSoFar && field.checkValidity();
}, true
if(!isValid) {
//this.reportError(); // Whatever you want to do here
//console.log('isValid INSIDE: ' +isValid);
isValid = !isValid; //Tried to revert the value, still didn't work. Validation didn't fire after the first try.