I'm currently working on the below JSON. Sometimes records in matches return null, instead of record. And null will appear anywhere within the array

    "status": "success",

    "error_code": null,

    "matches": [


      "status": "success",

      "error_code": null,




Apex code:



  jsonResponse =  jsonResponse.replaceAll(',null,', ',{"id": ""},');




  jsonResponse =  jsonResponse.replaceAll('null\\,{', '{"id": ""},{');




   jsonResponse =  jsonResponse.replaceAll('null\\]', '{"id": ""}]');


Please guide me on how to replace null with array #Json #Apex #Trailhead

3 Answers 3


Try something like this instead of manipulating the string directly:

Map<String, Object> data = (Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(jsonResponse);

List<Object> matches = (List<Object>) data.get('matches');

for(Integer i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) {
    if(matches[i] == null) {
        matches[i] = new Map<String, String>{'id' => ''};

data.put('matches', matches);
String newJsonResponse = JSON.serialize(data);

Do not manipulate the string. Deserialize it and remove the null from the list.

The first step is define a custom Apex class to map that response, then you can leverage typed deserialization, finally you can loop over the list of matches and remove null objects

ResultWrapper result = (ResultWrapper) JSON.deserialize(jsonResponse, ResultWrapper.class);
if (result.matches != null) {
    for (Integer i = result.matches.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        // remove both null and empty objects
        if (result.matches[i] == null || String.isBlank(result.matches[i].status)) {
            // here you could add a new object at the same position if you want
  • I've tried a similar approach but my code is failing with a null exception because the system is excepting an array record but null is there.
    – Pavan tej
    Commented Aug 18, 2023 at 11:25
  • @Pavantej please provide more detail (the actual code) about the null pointer exception, so I could help with the debug/fix. Anyway in my code I checked for the possible null value based on the question's code.
    – RubenDG
    Commented Aug 18, 2023 at 12:25
public class Match {
    public String status;
    public String error_code;

public class JsonResponse {
    public String status;
    public String error_code;
    public List<Match> matches;

public static void replaceNullMatches(String jsonString) {
    JsonResponse response = (JsonResponse) JSON.deserialize(jsonString, JsonResponse.class);
    for (Integer i = 0; i < response.matches.size(); i++) {
        if (response.matches[i] == null) {
            Match defaultMatch = new Match();
            defaultMatch.status = 'default_status';
            defaultMatch.error_code = 'default_error';
            response.matches[i] = defaultMatch;

    // If you want to get updated JSON string back:
    String updatedJsonString = JSON.serialize(response);

String jsonString = '{ "status": "success", "error_code": null, "matches": [ { "status": "success", "error_code": null }, null, {} ] }';
  • 2
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    – Community Bot
    Commented Aug 18, 2023 at 11:54

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