This is the function I'm trying to call from my function. It's erring on the last line here because selectedOption is undefined.

handleStatusChange(event) {
  console.log('status change event: ' + event.detail.value);
  const { currentTarget, detail } = event;
  const { selectedOption, context } = detail;
  const { value, label } = selectedOption;

I think there's a hierarchy here: event has detail, detail has selectedOption, selectedOption has value.

In my function, I only care about passing 'value'. Why is selected selectedOption undefined?

      detail: () => {
        selectedOption: () => {
          value: 'Pitched'
      stopPropagation: () => {}

1 Answer 1


() => {} is the Arrow function syntax. You haven't created objects, so much as functions. For normal objects, use {} instead:

  detail: {
    selectedOption: {
      value: 'Pitched'
  stopPropagation: () => {}

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