I'm trying to use SFDX to export users, add a MobilePone, then upsert them back in.
I used the following to get a .json file of user records:
sfdx force:data:tree:export -q "SELECT Id, Username, Email, Phone, MobilePhone FROM User" -d ./path/to/my/path -u <username_here>
This creates a User.json in my path. I then try to upsert by using the following:
sfdx force:data:bulk:upsert -s User -f ./path/to/my/path/User.json -i Id -w 2 -u <usernamehere>
I get the error:
Invalid Opening Quote: a quote is found inside a field at line 2
I think because the -f is expecting a .csv file, though I could be wrong.
Any better way of approaching this?