From my JS, I am calling Apex and getting results. Based on certain condition, I am dividing my results into two arrays(Arr1 & Arr2) and then concatenating both the arrays so that I can display certain results at the bottom.
Right now my CSS class assigned in HTML colours all of the results in Blue(tRowBody) but I want the results pushed in second array (Arr2) to be in Green.
Here is my JS Code
getValueWithFilters({accId: this.accountId, skey: this.searchKeyword, v12:, v22: this.compaq})
.then((result) => {
let arr = [];
let arr1=[];
let arr2 =[];
result.forEach(r => {
if(r.Count_1__c < r.Count_2__c){
Name: r.Service_Task_Name__c,
stid: r.Id,
Count1: r.Count_1__c,
Count2: r.Count_2__c,
Name: r.Service_Task_Name__c,
stid: r.Id,
Count1: r.Count_1__c,
Count2: r.Count_2__c,
arr = arr1.concat(arr2);
this.dispRecords = arr;
.catch((error) => {
this.error = error;
HTML goes like this-
<table class="">
<tr class="slds-line-height_reset tableRow">
<th class="slds-is-resizable bckgrndclr" scope=”col”>
<th class="c1 bckgrndclr" scope=”col”>
<th class="c2 bckgrndclr" scope=”col”>
<th class="c3 bckgrndclr" scope=”col”>
<tbody class="tableBdy" >
<template if:false={excessTable}>
<template for:each={dispRecords} for:item="lpt">
<tr key = {lpt.stid} >
<td class="tRowBody" data-label="laptops" >
<div class="slds-cell-wrap customText">
<td data-label=””>
<div class="slds-cell-wrap" style="text-align: center">
<td data-label=””>
<div class="slds-cell-wrap" style="text-align: center">
<template if:true={excessTable}>
<template if:true={emptyTable}>
the CSS Class - tRowBody is defining the color blue as mentioned above.
How do I change the colour of elements in Arr2 to green ?