I’ve been building a LWC that uses lightning-datatable to display records of the Task sObject. Since the Task object is not supported by the lightning UI API, my understanding (and tested) is that I can’t @wire my Apex method that queries the Tasks. This is a well established annoyance: https://ideas.salesforce.com/s/idea/a0B8W00000GdXHsUAN/support-task-and-event-objects-in-ui-api-with-lwc
And since I can’t use UI API and the wire service, I can’t use refreshApex()/getRecordNotifyChange() to update the lightning-datatable after an inline update operation.
The best I can come up with so far is to refresh the entire page using something like window.location.reload();
. But that is not ideal.
I would settle for something that would cause the LWC alone to rerender (not the entire page), but I can't seem to find any code that would accomplish that.
In sum, how might we refresh Task data displayed in lightning-datatable after an inline edit operation?