I have a test with dates that I would like to make dynamic to not have to change them in the future

the correct Json should look like :

private static final String FAKE_RESPONSE_JSON = '[{"locactionName":"Bamboo", "startDate": "2021-07-25", "endDate":"2021-07-29"}]';

To make it more dynamic and test past date I would like to have something like System.today() - 1 but the json ask for a string. So I tried to use String.valueOf(System.today() - 1)

but I get the errors: System.JSONException: Unexpected character (':' (code 58)): expected a valid value (number, String, array, object, 'true', 'false' or 'null') at [line:1, column:45]

Any idea how I could do it ? thx you

2 Answers 2


For the date, try this:

Datetime myDT = Datetime.now().addDays(-1);
String myDTString = myDT.format('yyyy-MM-dd');

For the whole object, you can use a Map.

List<Map<String,String>> myArrayMap = new List<Map<String,String>>();
Map<String,String> myMap = new Map<String,String>();
myMap.put('startDate', myDTString);
myMap.put('startDate', myDTString);

String FAKE_RESPONSE_JSON = JSON.serialize(myArrayMap);
  • Thx you for your answer. I tried Datetime myDT = Datetime.now().addDays(-1); String myDTString = myDT.format('yyyy-MM-dd'); private static final String FAKE_RESPONSE_JSON = '[{"locactionName":"Tel Aviv", "startDate": myDTString, "endDate":"2021-07-29"}]'; But I get System.JSONException: Unexpected character ('m' (code 109)): expected a valid value (number, String, array, object, 'true', 'false' or 'null') at [line:1, column:45]
    – Ben2pop
    Commented Dec 1, 2022 at 9:07
  • 1
    As a general rule you should turn a Datetime into a Date before subtracting days since doing that to a Datetime actually subtracts 24 hours, not 1 day (this is different when considering daylight savings transitions). In this case it may not matter. Also consider whether you need to provide this from the perspective of a specific time zone. The above will provide yesterday from the perspective of the contextual user, which may not be appropriate.
    – Phil W
    Commented Dec 1, 2022 at 9:09
  • I don't think it really matters in this instance. Commented Dec 1, 2022 at 16:58
  • @Ben2pop Have you tried my exact code? (which I have verified) Looking at your code, you are embedding the variable in the JSON string - but written like that, it's just a string. You would need to concatenate it, ie 'string1' + var + 'string2' Commented Dec 1, 2022 at 17:06

It is normally best to hard-code dates in tests and not use e.g. System.today().

Why? As e.g. You Should Use Static Dates For Your Unit Tests explains:

  • Catch Edge Cases Now, Not Later
  • Don’t Disrupt Future Development

This might mean hard coding multiple dates, but at least you will have a determinate view of what works.

(The same argument applies if you are tempted to use a e.g. a large set of random numbers in a test case. Generate the random numbers and then hard code them in the test source code.)

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