I have this code :

    public static Boolean upsertPassengerList(List<requestWrapper> requests){
        List<cms_Passenger_list__c> passengerList = new List<cms_Passenger_list__c>();
        for(requestWrapper r : requests){
            cms_Passenger_list__c p = new cms_Passenger_list__c();
            p.cms_Contact__c = r.contactId;
            p.cms_Travel__c = r.travelId;
                p.cms_Status__c = 'Show';
                p.cms_Status__c = 'No Show';
        upsert passengerList;
        return true;

JS Code:

        upsertPassengerList({'requests' : this.upsertObject}).then((res)=>{
            console.log('error on save');

What am I missing? The method is getting called from an LWC and I can safely say that all the parameters are correct.

1 Answer 1


Remove cacheable = false from your method and it will solve your issue

    public static Boolean upsertPassengerList(List<requestWrapper> requests){
        List<cms_Passenger_list__c> passengerList = new List<cms_Passenger_list__c>();
        for(requestWrapper r : requests){
            cms_Passenger_list__c p = new cms_Passenger_list__c();
            p.cms_Contact__c = r.contactId;
            p.cms_Travel__c = r.travelId;
                p.cms_Status__c = 'Show';
                p.cms_Status__c = 'No Show';
        upsert passengerList;
        return true;
  • Tried it. Still the same.
    – Snorlax
    Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 6:26
  • Add your js code as well. How you are calling this method Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 6:27
  • Added the JS Code.
    – Snorlax
    Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 6:28
  • This error mostly comes when you try to do dml in @AuraEnabled(cacheable = true) methods. Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 6:35
  • yeah I have read that one up, but I am now stuck and can't find the thing that I am missing. Must be something obvious I don't know.
    – Snorlax
    Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 6:38

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