Can I load the data into a custom object using a RSS feed provided by an external vendor?

Is there any kind of parser/a method that will consume the RSS and let me fetch data from external service?

Please help!!!

2 Answers 2


I do this currently to track some posts on DFC. I created a gist here:


Which is the core class. It adds data if there is no matching custom object in the system. I schedule it to hit three times a day, and then there's a util class which sends out an email to let people know new blog posts have arrived.

  • OMG !!!! This worked perfectly awesome. I was able to extract all the data I want from the RSS and throw it in SF. Makes life way happier now :)!!! Wish I could upvote one more time on this post
    – Rao
    Commented Oct 30, 2012 at 22:28
  • Excellent to hear :) I've been meaning to get this out as blog post (is that ironic, not sure) - so good to have someone preview the code.
    – joshbirk
    Commented Oct 31, 2012 at 18:11

There's XML parser and the HttpResponse class can deal with JSON as well as XML.

Ron Hess has built a slick parser and shared it on developer.force.com: http://developer.force.com/projectpage?id=a0630000002ahp8AAA

Check these out.

My Developer Edition came with built-in XMLDom class. Probably it's their standard code (no idea if I can post it here) but it's kind of crude (from 2007).

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