I'm trying to check whether a user exporting a report has a certain Custom Permission for a Transaction Security Condition Class.
I created the Custom Permission, created a Permission Set, enabled the Custom Permission in the Permission Set, and assigned the Permission Set to a user. I'm then using this code to check whether the user exporting the report has the correct Custom Permission when they attempt to export a report.
// check if user has Export_Reports custom permission
Boolean hasExportPermissions = FeatureManagement.checkPermission('Export_Reports');
System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, '>>> hasExportPermissions: ' + hasExportPermissions);
However, I've tried exports with several different users, some with and some without the permission set that has the Custom Permission enabled, and this System.debug always returns false.
The full code of the class is below:
global class BlockLargeDataExportEventConditionPERM implements TxnSecurity.EventCondition {
public boolean evaluate(SObject event) {
switch on event{
when ReportEvent reportEvent {
return evaluate(reportEvent);
when null {
// Don't take policy action when event is null
return false;
when else{
// Don't take policy action when event is not handled
return false;
* Handle evaluating ReportEvent
private boolean evaluate(ReportEvent reportEvent){
// get profile
Profile profile = [SELECT Name FROM Profile WHERE Id IN
(SELECT profileId FROM User WHERE Id = :reportEvent.UserId)];
System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, '>>> profile' + profile);
// check if user has Export_Reports custom permission
Boolean hasExportPermissions = FeatureManagement.checkPermission('Export_Reports');
System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, '>>> hasExportPermissions: ' + hasExportPermissions);
// Take policy action only if the user profile is not 'System Administrator'
// AND user does not have 'Export_Reports' custom permission
// AND RowsProcessed greater than 250.
if (!profile.Name.contains('System Administrator')
&& !hasExportpermissions
&& reportEvent.Operation.equals ('ReportExported')
&& reportEvent.RowsProcessed > 250) {
return true;
return false;
I can't figure out why it's not working, and not sure where to even begin debugging this. I have tried deleting and recreating the Custom Permission and re-enabling it on the Permission Set, I have verified that the user attempting the export has the Permission Set Assignment, but `hasExportPermissions' is still returning false.
Any ideas about how else I might troubleshoot this?
Automated Process
user - you'll need to query to determine this for thereportEvent.userId
variable but not how to tellFeatureManagement.checkPermission
to check the permissions of that user instead. Is that even possible? Or do I need to revert back to the previous code that was checking which permission sets were assigned to user exporting the report?